Andrews AmrithrajA Path to Intimacy with God - Week IVJohn the Baptist: Create Your Own Desert The previous article focused on the importance of passing through the Temple into the Desert to...
Andrews AmrithrajA Path to Intimacy with God - Week IIITHROUGH THE TEMPLE TO THE DESERT “The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain;...
Andrews AmrithrajA Path to Intimacy with God - Week IISilence The second pre-requisite for Prayer without Words is silence. A business man requests of a master, “Master I am a very busy...
Andrews AmrithrajA Path to Intimacy with God - Week IDesire “In God we live, move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Whatever the different stages our spiritual path might pass through, its...